It may be easy to look around our world today and see the appearance of chaos, difficulty and strife. Yet, when we come from an open heart, we can also see our opportunity to love all things into balance, joy, harmony and peace. This planet does not need more visions of desperation, fear, doubt and hate - it requires an abundance of love, especially unconditional love, to heal and restore the beauty contained in every moment. This becomes the easier path once we take the first step and begin to share our love.When we bring unconditional love back into our personal, professional, community and family lives, we begin the journey of restoring wholeness and happiness to our planetary adventure. Of course it takes determined effort on our part as the old ways of being are quick to return in our mind. However, this effort to love is rewarded with a new perspective on everything and all life benefits as a result.Here at The Love Foundation, whether through Global Love Day each May 1st, our annual Art, Essay and Poetry Invitational, the Love Ambassador or Act of Love designations, and our newest program, Loving Earth, each of these opportunities are simply ways to keep the understanding of love fresh in our collective hearts and minds. Nine years ago we started this nonprofit organization as a way to inspire and remind people of the simple power of loving unconditionally. In just these few years, we have witnessed a growing worldwide momentum embracing this opportunity to bring the awareness of unconditional love back into our daily lives. We look forward to expanding this dialogue and welcome you to walk this journey of unconditional love in your part of the world.Latest Message from TLF FounderMaintaining harmony under all circumstances is the key to navigating through life. By remaining calm and composed in each moment, we keep life in perspective. We are able to connect with the bigger picture of potential while sorting out appropriate courses of action to address any situation before us. We can release our attachments and reactions knowing that they are only a small part of the experience. Harmony reveals the presence of love.This excerpt was created in the absence of an abstract. Duodenal atresia is rapidly fatal unless diagnosed promptly and treated surgically without delay. The radiological features are usually diagnostic. A plain erect abdominal X ray of the new-born infant shows two large fluid levels, one in the stomac

h, the other in the distended duodenum proximal to the atretic segment. No intestinal gas shadows are seen distal to the obstruction. This gives the classical "double bubble" appearance. Duodenal atresia is one of the rarer causes of hydramnios. If it could be diagnosed antenatally by ultrasound and the diagnosis confirmed by conventional radiography immediately after birth, it would be possible to relieve the obstruction surgically before electrolyte disturbances adversely affect the prognosis. The following case report describes the ultrasound B-scan appearances of duodenal atresia in utero.
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